
Diversity Committee

Committee responsibilities include the following:

a. endeavoring to make University Libraries a diverse and inclusive place to work through various means, including but not limited to:

  • outreach programming
  • fellowship and scholarship oversight
  • strategic planning
  • recruitment and retention of diverse librarians
  • professional outreach and scholarship.

b. overseeing and managing University Libraries' Strategic Diversity Plan.

c. representing University Libraries on KSU's University Diversity Advisory Council.

d. working with KSU's Office of Affirmative Action to share information on best practices in forming search committees and conducting searches.

e. connecting and collaborating with professional organizations (e.g., ARL, ALA, or ALAO) to support and further diversity within the profession of librarianship. 

The Diversity Committee shall be composed of at least three faculty members, with representation from both tenured / tenure-track Faculty and non-tenure track faculty, with the committee chair being a faculty member. To meet the broad scope of this committee's responsibilities, the committee chair shall ask for the University Libraries Staff Association to appoint at least one staff member to the committee and for the Dean's Office to appoint at least one student member to the committee.

Approved by UL Faculty on 5/19/09; approved by the Provost on 08/07/09.