
Handbook Modification, Amendment and Revision

1.0 Introduction

Guidance for Handbook content is found in several sources (refer to the Tenure Track Collective Bargaining Agreement Article VI, Section 7: Implementing Handbooks and the Full-Time Non-Tenure Track Collective Bargaining Agreement Article V, Section 4: Handbooks.) This Handbook is to implement University policies within UL, to cover such items as may be mandated from time to time by University policy, and to contain such other subjects as are reasonably related to the mission of UL. The TT CBA also states that the unit Handbook should specify the arrangements by which Faculty governance responsibilities and advisory roles are to be discharged in a fashion appropriate to the distinctive structure, composition, programmatic mission, and reporting relationships of the unit; and therefore, the UL Faculty Handbook is to include descriptions of such arrangements. Moreover, the Non-Tenure Track (NTT) Collective Bargaining Agreement also provides for coverage of UL NTT faculty in the unit Handbook. Suggestions for alterations of currently existing Handbook sections pertaining to the Faculty, or suggestions for additional Handbook sections pertaining to the Faculty, may be initiated at any time by the Dean of UL or by any Faculty member. Suggestions for alterations of currently existing Handbook sections pertaining to the NTT faculty, or suggestions for additional Handbook sections pertaining to the NTT faculty, may be initiated at any time by the Dean of UL, by any Faculty member or any NTT faculty member. Suggestions should be brought to any member of CAC, any member of the Handbook Committee, or to the Dean of UL. In keeping with its charge as found in the UL Bylaws, each year the Handbook Committee also works to recommend or develop new or updated Handbook content. Proposed changes are subject to discussion, revision and recommendation by the CAC and must be approved by a majority of the Faculty of UL in accordance with the Bylaws. All changes to the Handbook are subject to the approval of the Dean of UL who may also direct that the Handbook be amended or revised to reflect changes in UL or University policy. Also refer to TT CBA, Article VI, Section 7: Implementing Handbooks.

Approved by the Faculty of UL, August 16, 2006; February 27, 2007.