Alternative Parking Options
For students who are on campus less frequently, below are some other parking options. For more information, please contact Parking Services.
- Permits may be purchased by the day, week or month in the Parking Services office
- Rates:
- Daily $4
- Weekly $10
- Monthly $40
- Rates:
- Park at a parking meter/Passport mobile payment zone
- Rates: $1.25 per hour unless otherwise posted
- More information about mobile payments and zones can be found in the Passport parking section of this website
- Purchase a permit from a pay station (kiosk)
- Locations:
- C-Campus Center Drive lot (license plate required for purchasing time)
- Student Recreation and Wellness Center lot (license plate required for purchasing time)
- Rates:
- $1.25 per hour
- $5 per day (C-Campus Center Drive)
- Locations:
- Park in the Student Center visitor's lot
- Maximum rate: $6 per visit
- There is no charge after 6 p.m. on Fridays and on weekends
- The Student Center lot is closed from 3 a.m. – 5 a.m. Monday through Friday
- Purchase a one-day per week permit (same day each week)
- Rate: $58.00
- These can be requested through your
- Local churches - Many of the local churches sell parking permits for their lots (see list below)
- Faith Lutheran Church (across from White Hall): 913 E. Main St., 330-673-6633
- United Church of Christ (next to Center for Performing Arts): 1400 E. Main St., 330-673-9534
- United Methodist Church (across from Rockne's: 1435 E. Main St., 330-673-5879 ext. 10