
Approval Process for FlashLine Communication

This web page will serve as an approval process guide for both requestors and approvers.


With the exception of student organization requests, targeted announcements must be submitted directly to University Communications and Marketing (UCM) at flashlineta@kent.edu. UCM and the client will coordinate to determine who will obtain approval of the request by the Vice President (VP) of the requestor's division. Student organization requests must first be submitted to the organizations advisor.

Additional approvals by the Office of the University Registrar may be necessary in cases where the university must ensure compliance with the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), which is the federal mandate that protects the privacy of student education records and outlines the process for each university to define student directory information.

Examples of the approval process are:

  • If you are emailing a group of students within your college, the request must be approved by the dean of the college and the Office of the University Registrar.
  • If you are emailing students from multiple colleges, your request must be approved by the provost and the Office of the University Registrar.

*Reminder: If your request does not meet one of the designated criteria, it will be channeled to another outlet for dissemination. UCM will notify the requestor if an alternative outlet is identified as the appropriate medium.

University Communications and Marketing (UCM) Targeted Announcement Administrators

The role of this unit is to provide a preliminary review of requests, make an initial decision about the most appropriate communication vehicle and, eventually, prepare and release the information in the agreed upon manner.

Upon receipt, UCM will review a request for criteria appropriateness.

If appropriate for submission as a targeted/personal announcement:

  • Forward to respective EO (and Office of the University Registrar at registrar@kent.edu if students will receive the communication).
  • Await approval by both the approving EO and Office of the University Registrar.
  • Upon receipt of approval, prepare the information for release.

If inappropriate, UCM will notify the requestor of the alternative outlet that will be used to disseminate the information.


Roles of the approvers may vary. Please find your role below.

Executive Officers and Deans

The role of these individuals is to ensure appropriate, consistent use of FlashLine's robust communication capabilities.

  1. EOs will receive an email from a UCM designee with a subject line that includes "TA - Dated Request."
  2. Review for appropriateness.
    • If you approve the request, forward the email attachment to flashlineta@kent.edu.
    • If you decline the request or require content modifications, please notify the requestor.

Office of the University Registrar

The role of this unit is to review the content to verify that the request does not infringe upon FERPA and/or university policies.

If a data extract is necessary:
  1. Conduct FERPA review of content.
  2. If appropriate, prepare extract.
  3. FTP extract data to designated directory.
  4. Email approval to flashlineta@kent.edu so University Communications and Marketing can prepare the material.
If a data extract is not necessary:
  1. Conduct FERPA review of content.
  2. Send approval or decline comments to flashlineta@kent.edu so University Communications and Marketing can prepare the material.