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University policy regarding equal opportunity

  1. Equal opportunity policy.
    1. In academic and student programs. It is the policy of this university that there shall be no unlawful discrimination against any student or applicant for admission as a student because of race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, military or veteran status. Such policy shall apply to, but not necessarily be limited to, the following: recruiting, admission, access to programs, financial aid, and social, recreational and health programs. This policy shall be applicable to all campuses and units of the university. This policy also shall apply with reference to discrimination on the basis of age insofar as required by law.
    2. In employment. It is the policy of this university that there shall be no unlawful discrimination against any employee or applicant for employment because of age, race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or protected veteran status. Such policy shall apply to, but not necessarily be limited to, the following: employment, upgrading, demotion or transfer; recruitment or recruitment advertising; layoff or termination; rates of pay or other compensation; and selection for training, including apprenticeship. This policy shall be applicable to all campuses and units of the university. This policy also shall apply with reference to discrimination on the basis of age insofar as required by law.
  2. Implementation of policy with respect to employment.
    1. There shall be promulgated and maintained, under the authority of the president of the university, the executive vice president for academic affairs and provost, and the senior vice president for finance and administration, pursuant to this equal opportunity policy, an affirmative action plan. Full achievement of equal opportunity shall be deemed a major effort of the university, and the affirmative action plan shall be the principal official arrangement, as to organization, methods and procedures, whereby the university shall pursue that effort in employment.
    2. The affirmative action plan shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, nondiscrimination provisions of general application to all employees and applicants for employment, including nondiscrimination provisions applicable to age, race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, military or veteran status. Such provisions of general application shall reflect and pursue the central purposes and provisions of relevant laws and regulations of the United States and of the state of Ohio. Such provisions of general application shall include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:
      1. Establishment of responsibilities for conduct and monitoring of the university's affirmative action program.
      2. Internal and external dissemination of the university's equal opportunity policy and affirmative action plan.
      3. Workforce analyses; analyses of major job groups; appraisal of labor force utilization; and annual reports of progress.
      4. Development and pursuit of goals and timetables, which could reasonably be attained through good faith efforts.
      5. Equal opportunity of access by employees to educational and training programs for advancement of occupational and professional qualifications.
      6. Application of the university's equal opportunity policy in all employment actions.
      7. Design and implementation of appropriate audit and reporting systems.
      8. Provisions for notice, verification and reporting, as may be required by law regarding equal opportunity policies and practices of unions, contractors, and vendors having dealings with the university.
      9. Provisions for resolution of complaints and grievances.
    3. The affirmative action plan shall further include nondiscrimination provisions of special application to individuals with disabilities and to protected veterans. Such provisions of special application shall reflect and pursue the central purposes and provisions of relevant laws and regulations of the United States and of the state of Ohio, which have special application to equality of opportunity for individuals with disabilities and for protected veterans. Wherever provisions of general application can have application, they shall apply, provided: that where such provisions of special application exist and are relevant, they shall prevail.
    4. The university shall publish and shall update and republish, from time to time, a publication titled, "Affirmative Action Plan."  Such publication shall include, but not be limited to, the equal opportunity policy which is in effect; the university president鈥檚 dear colleague letter regarding equal opportunity and affirmative action, the executive summary by the VP of Human Resources, full text of the affirmative action plan which is in effect; and, for further guidance of all employees, an appendix. The appendix shall include but not be limited to, applicable forms and procedures utilized in all elements of the affirmative action plan, paragraphs (B)(2)(a) to (B)(2)(h)(i) of this rule; relevant provisions found elsewhere in the university register and the Administrative Code; unit goals and timetables currently in effect; and forms, examples and processes of record-keeping and reporting. The office of compliance, equal opportunity and affirmative action (or designee) shall have primary responsibility for preparation of this publication and for its dissemination to all unit heads and its availability to employees and applicants for employment. 
Policy Effective Date:
Jul 01, 2018
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
11/4/1977, 10/31/1979, 5/7/1982, 11/22/1985, 12/29/1986, 9/15/1987, 11/17/1987, 4/28/2003, 12/20/2004, 6/1/2007, 3/5/2008, 3/1/2015