
5 - 10.3

Administrative policy regarding publications

  1. Policy. All publications bearing the seal or imprint of the university must be processed by the publications and printing office. The publications and printing office is a resource office for all members of the university community and is concerned with quality of writing, design, printing techniques and economies of university publications.
  2. Definitions of university publications.
    1. "University publications" are defined as all printed materials paid for in part or wholly by university funds, including monies received by the university from federal grants and other special grants awarded to the university, including funds given for university purposes through the Kent state university foundation.
    2. All university publications must be processed through the publications and printing office. This includes duplication of any materials which would constitute a major publication.
    3. Special letterheads, business cards, brochures and flyers for special events and/or conferences should be treated as publications and processed through the publications and printing office.
    4. It shall be the responsibility of the publications and printing office to review each publication request with regard to:
      1. Production economies, and appropriateness of selected printer(s) and/or vendor(s);
      2. Writing, design, and general format consistent with overall university quality and the "Chicago Manual of Style"; unless academic journal/publication requires another style manual; and
      3. Duplication in editorial content or audience distribution. Customers are responsible for obtaining copyright privileges. Copyright releases are to be provided to the publications and printing office upon request.
    5. In the event of difference between the originating department and the publications office regarding acceptability, the vice president for university relations and development will recommend a final decision to the major budget officer involved. The major budget officer is defined in rule 3342-5-10.301 of the Administrative Code.
    6. Publications not processed through the publications and printing office are subject to immediate cancellation. If printed without processing they become the responsibility of the person originating the publication, including financial obligation.
    7. Materials not to be processed through the publications and printing office include:
      1. One-page materials to be photocopied within the department or by the university's copy center(s);
      2. Printing for student organizations such as clubs, fraternities, and sororities, except when the university seal, official name or logo are used;
      3. The "Daily Kent Stater" newspaper, the "Burr" magazine, and other publications funded through the student publications policy committee, the alumni magazine, and the "Inside" and "For the Record"; and
      4. University press publications, except any marketing materials.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 01, 2015
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
11/4/1977, 4/5/1982, 8/14/1985, 7/25/1991, 10/25/1991, 8/12/1994, 7/19/1995, 6/1/2007