
Handbook Modification, Amendment and Revision

The implementation, modification, amendment and revision of this Handbook is governed by the applicable Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Department FAC will review and update this Handbook, as needed, but at least every three (3) years.Suggestions for modifications or amendments to the Handbook may be initiated at any time by the Chair or by any faculty member.Proposed modifications or amendments are subject to discussion, revision, and recommendation by the FAC.The FAC shall solicit suggestions from Department members as well as from the Coordinators, Chairs, and Directors or Programs. The revised Handbook shall be submitted to a vote of the full-time TT faculty before the Chair forwards it to the Dean. When the revised Handbook also changes any policies or procedures affecting full-time NTT faculty, those changes shall also be submitted to a separate vote of the faculty in that bargaining unit before the Chair forwards it to the Dean.

If the Chair concurs with a proposed modification, amendment or revision, he/she will recommend the change(s) to the Dean. All modifications, amendments and revisions of the Handbook require the approval of the Dean. In reviewing this Handbook the Dean may request revisions before lending final approval. If these revisions are not adopted by the Department, the Dean shall consult the CAC with regard to the provision(s) in dispute before making a final determination and certifying final approval of the Handbook. Further, the Dean may direct that the Handbook be modified, amended or revised to reflect changes in College or University policy.

Whenever FAC makes minor changes in major policies, the Handbook may be changed accordingly without involving a full revision of the Handbook. All changes and revisions must conform to the CBAs for full-time TT and NTT faculty and the University Policy Register.All changes and revisions must also be approved by the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, in accord with the provisions of said CBAs.