
Problem-Based Learning: An Interactive and Engaging Student-Centered Learning Environment

Online Workshop:

Problem-Based Learning: An Interactive and Engaging Student-Centered Learning Environment

Solving everyday ill-structured and complex problems with diverse audiences is a required skill needed to prepare students for the rapidly paced Global Market. Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a student-centered methodology that provides an interactive learning environment to engage students. PBL requires students to resolve everyday problems through research, higher-level thinking, and cooperation. You will apply the basics of PBL by creating a PBL unit to use within the classroom. The online workshop will cover instructional strategies, cognitive aids, and teacher and student roles within PBL.

Required Textbook: None

  • 2 undergraduate credit hours: CI 40093
  • 2 graduate credit hours: CI 50093

Dr. Marian Maxfield, Instructor, TLC


For specific workshop dates, CRNs, and registration information, visit the main credit workshop page then click on the semester you are looking for.