
Controlling Stress: Creative Ways to Make Stress Work for You

Online Workshop:

Controlling Stress: Creative Ways to Make Stress Work for You

This workshop focuses on minimizing student and athlete stress through creative brain science techniques by maximizing performance in the classroom, in the workplace, or on the playing field. In each of the presentations, teachers, coaches, workers, and students will benefit from the newest applications of brain science and practical approaches to handle stress in effective ways that will actually make stress work for you!

Textbook (Optional for Undergraduates, Required for Graduates): Donnelly, D. (2016). Think like a warrior: The five inner beliefs that make you unstoppable. Shamrock New Media, Inc. ISBN: 0692705465

  • 1 undergraduate credit hour: CI 40093
  • 1 graduate credit hour: CI 50093

Timothy Berger, Instructor, TLC


For specific workshop dates, CRNs, and registration information, visit the main credit workshop page then click on the semester you are looking for.